Planning one’s projects and turning one’s artistic, music, theatrical and film projects into products.

It is important to first define the scope of the task and answer the following questions:

1. Do you want to make a product based on your idea or concept? If yes, what product is this?
2. Should you produce prototypes, models, demos?
3. Are you responsible for all stages (from idea to end-product):
4. What is the final product actually to be? What will it look like?

We should not forget about the financial dimension. Estimating the value of a project is actually one of the most important and most difficult elements. What does it comprise?

1. The estimation of value of the product and its innovativeness.
2. The financial estimation of the creative process – After all, you are not solely paid for working hours 
3. The estimation of the actual amount of work.
4. The estimation of the tools, material, software etc.
5. The price of the “name” – in artistic activities it may be more important than the work itself.

Checking the situation on the market – elements of marketing.

1. Actual costs versus the situation on the market.
2. Competitors’ prices and offers.
3. Does your structured product make economic sense?
4. The product’s degree of innovativeness.

Answering these questions and making necessary predictions is even more difficult when your product is a service. In that case, we need to define:

1. The scope of the service.
2. The associated services, the accompanying package.
3. The price of product design.
4. It is also necessary to introduce the category of “experiencing” art and artistic process by clients.

Practical elements include:

1. The form and manner of supplying the client with your product.
2. The manner of payment for the product.
3. Securing timely payment.
4. Exacting the payment.

Do not forget to take into account the differences between distance (where there is no personal contact with the client) and non-distance work (where you can build more personal connections with your clientele).